• Aaron Picozzi- President

ADTC Veteran Career Counselors 🇺🇸

Transitioning out of the military can be just as much of a lifestyle change as it was when you first enlisted. The good news is that you are coming out with so many tools at your fingertips to help get you started: the GI Bill®, Veteran Employment Placement Teams, and Veteran Career Counselors are just a few things that will help you get ahead -- all of this can be found at American Diesel Training Centers.

As a Veteran, I knew the last thing I wanted to do was to spend my next four years after transitioning sitting in a classroom surrounded by teenagers. I thought that was my only option to get a “real civilian job”. At American Diesel Training Centers, we have gone through the long process of GI Bill® approval so we can offer you the same fast-paced, hands-on training you’re used to. We’ve made sure that our program doesn’t eat away at a big chunk of the GI Bill® you worked so hard for, and we made sure you’ll receive the Housing Allowance needed to focus fully on getting your education and employment dialed in.

With the American Diesel Program in Columbus, you will get all the training you need to start making great money with a career laid out at your feet. After completing our 300-hour program, graduates start off making on average more than many of their conventional college counterparts.

What we ask from you is to bring the same work ethic, responsibility, and maturity that you’ve displayed during your time in service. What we will do for you is provide you the education and opportunities needed for a successful career.

If you’re interested and feel that you have what it takes, fill out the information pack below and one of our Veteran Career Counselors will call you ASAP. If you have specific questions that you want to be answered right away, feel free to shoot me an email at .